Since everyone uses tags so differently we have rebuilt the entire feature to be as flexible and dynamic as possible including the following new features;
- Editing Tags
- Delete Tags
- Assign Highlight Colors to Tags
Here's everything you need to know about getting the most out of tags with Foreplay:
How to Create & Add Tags
- Open the Ad Details Drawer (Eye icon in top right corner of an ad)
- Search & select your tag
- If the tag does not exist, click "+ Create 'tag name'"
How to Edit Tags
- Click on the "Add Tag" input box
- Click "Edit Tags" at the bottom
- Hover & click to rename tags or click the trash can icon to delete
Add Colors to Tags
- Open the "Edit Tags" modal
- Click the tag icon on the right
- Select your desired color
Assigning a color to your tag will highlight the selected tag when applied to an asset.
Bonus Update: Rating Field
We have updated the ratings field to be a simple 1-5 start selection rather then a dropdown menu.